The fat acceptance movement has been rising in popularity for multiple decades. Most individuals don't realize this, but we are facing an obesity takeover in our current world. Society, as it stands today, is filled to the brim with more liberal and open-minded ideologies, where being politically correct is held to the utmost highest standard. This means that if an individual states a fact that does not comply with the current social norms, he is bound to face nearly unbearable amounts of backlash.

This is why fat acceptance has managed to garner large amounts of attention through these means, with individuals going to extreme lengths to defend their obese look, by showing content of them eating salads and healthy food types, and showing blood test to "prove" that their body image is healthy. Personally, I do not discriminate against anyone who is of a heavier weight, as it achieves absolutely nothing, and can demotivate the selected individuals even further. However, people who claim that this lifestyle is "healthy" and should be accepted in society as a sort of standard are factually wrong, and base all of their arguments on opinions, rather than real information.

Here is a link to an article from an individual that underwent a significant weight loss that states why fat acceptance is more detrimental than the average person thinks.

A rather recent event that illustrates the fat acceptance movement is the case of Adele and her recent weight loss. In the middle of 2020, The globally famous singer Adele, broke the internet when she posted an image of herself on Instagram, which for some time sparked debates about her new and skinnier physique. Her long-time fans were quick to congratulate her on her transformation but just as many of them went on to state they "preferred" her previous look and criticized her transformation, saying that she succumbed to the pressure of society. In my eyes, this is the perfect illustration of the problems regarding the fact acceptance movement, as a large number of people who commented negatively on her transformation are actively seeking to bully individuals to accept their ideology that being fat is healthy, instead of being willing to change themselves.  

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