Another significant academic source that provides detailed and valuable insight are articles regarding social media and body image on the King University website. The articles go into considerable detail about the subject and cover multiple areas such as: positive effects of social media on body image, negative effects of social media on body image, and how to prevent issues regarding body image. One of the segments of the article (King Univeristy, 2019) goes as follows;

The ways that people compare their bodies to images they see in the media has been an increasingly important topic for researchers. Deanna Puglia, a burgeoning specialist in media and journalism, provided just as much. She stated “social media is a new avenue for individuals to Engage in maladaptive body comparison processes, creating a need for health communication and behavior change interventions that address this issue, especially among vulnerable populations.” The call for more research should be heeded, since more and more young women compare their bodies to altered versions of bodies.

This part of the article was of particular importance, as it highlights the issue of unrealistic body image ideals that are nearly impossible to achieve.

You can access the article by clicking here.


King University. (2019, October 9). The Link Between Social Media and Body Image. Retrieved from online.king.edu: https://online.king.edu/news/social-media-and-body-image/




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