Other Issues in Media and Society
The content available on this blog site only covers one very specific issue. However, if you are interested in learning about any other topics of interest or problems in the current world of media and social media platforms, be sure to visit these blogs: https://cmsocialmediaandbodyimage.blogspot.com - This particular blog discusses the issues and challenges that women face in regards to body image on social media platforms and the implications that it has on society. https://propagandainthe21stcentury.blogspot.com/ - This blog analyzes, observes, and provides information in regards to propaganda in the 21st century. It provides valuable insight into the issues that propaganda presents, but also how it is currently all around us in this day and age. https://mediaoveruse.blogspot.com/ - In this blog, the author focuses on the issues regarding media over usage and the impact it has on individuals and society in general. A great range of topics is covered rang...